Fast seduction does not mean hitting on someone too hard, or using horribly cheesy pick-up lines. But sometimes you might need to use techniques that allow you to let a person know that you are attracted to them without long and tricky flirting. These tips for successful fast seduction encounters should be helpful.

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Be Natural

Do not try to think and work out things to say to people you find attractive - just live in the moment when you meet people. If you sound rehearsed and artificial your intentions will be misconstrued and your shots at fast seduction will result in nothing but a laugh in your face instead of a new connection. Each person is an individual, so do not try preloaded questions ready to fire off. Use visual cues, like clothing and food, to initiate personalized interactions and ignite fast seduction. People like to know that they ignited a spark personally.

Employ Your Sense of Humor

A great way to get someone to open up to you quickly is to use humor. Make a witty remark about something within sight of you both, or about an event you are both attending. Comic relief is always welcome, and making someone smile creates an instant connection. Once the ice is broken, employing faster seduction will feel more natural to you both.

Be Nice

This may sound over-simplified, but by being nice to and around someone is going to work miracles for you. If someone sees you being extremely courteous to others, or you find a situation to extend an act of kindness to them, you will be in their good graces. Small things speak volumes - hold open doors for people, or excuse yourself if you accidentally bump into someone. Fast seduction is most likely to happen with people we think are generous.

Go Out of Your Way

You can be natural, nice and funny, but above all you have to make a point to approach someone you find attractive - without this fast seduction is simply impossible. It appears as a huge compliment to someone when another person goes out of their way to create an interaction. It may be a smile at someone from across the room. Next step would be planting yourself closer to them. Saying hello and introducing yourself are a must. Fast seduction also involves fast movement, so do not waist time and strike a nice conversation, at the same time letting the person know that you are attracted to them.